Today I would like to talk to you about one of the most powerful catalysts of emotion and attachment in e-commerce. A real engine of conversion, recommendation, loyalty . Sometimes considered essential and fundamental, as much as time-consuming and costly… I named it: content marketing. Why is it so crucial? Because content increases your online visibility, strengthens your credibility and authority in your field of activity, increases the engagement of your prospects and customers. However, we sometimes tend to dread this discipline as much as we love it. Often due to lack of time, or even resources. You probably face it in your e-commerce, like many others. This is why I am offering you this article today. It lists some ideas for simple and quick content to produce for your site. And which could well be worth gold for your customer relations.
Why produce content on my e-commerce site? Before getting into the heart of the matter, I would like us to focus on the main benefits of producing content for an e-commerce site. As a fervent supporter, I see three main major benefits.
Adopt a more premium acquisition strategy When it comes to acquisition strategy, we generally tend to confuse sales promotion and marketing promotion. However, the two can be completely dissociated. In other words, we can capture profiles in ways other than drowning them in promo codes Your margin shopify website design as well as your brand image will thank you for it! Indeed, by producing content, you offer value to your customers, rather than taking it away from your products. The value perceived by advice can sometimes be significantly higher than free shipping, don't forget that.
Making the customer experience memorable Content is the direct connection with the emotions of your prospects and customers. The royal road to their hearts, to their empathy and sympathy. By showing them that you have understood (and anticipated) their problems , their issues, their challenges, by proving to them that you share a common passion, you will grow an attachment to your brand like no other! For me, there is no better way to seek the love (or at least the loyalty) of your customers.
Promote conversion I'm talking to you about love, but let's get back to more down-to-earth considerations. I don't know of a better element of reassurance than content. It will not only prove your expertise, your legitimacy, but also project or accompany your customer in the use of your products . It would be a shame to deprive yourself of such sales catalysts, wouldn't it?
What content should I imagine for my e-commerce? Let's get down to business, in the following paragraphs I offer you 14 ideas for content that are really easy to activate. Fruits of the actions of our talented clients, but also of my professional and personal experiences, I hope they will inspire you for your own e-commerce site.
Image booster content Sometimes obvious, but always effective, this content will appeal to your communities to allow you to garner maximum brand love!